Skullgirls.exe Hyper Realistic Edition

One hyper realistic day i awoke from my hyper realistic bed. I put on my hyper realistic cloths and combed my hyper realistic hair. After taking a hyper realistic shower. I went for a hyper realistic walk. I stumbled upon a hyper realistic yard sale. I looked at the hyper realistic stack of games the hyper realistic seller was selling hyper realistically. I saw a hyper realistic blood red cartridge labeled Skullgirls.exe hyper realistic edition. I was exited because I fucking love skullgirls.
The hyper realistic salesmen said "Dude that game is hyper-realisticly haunted and shit. The hyper realistic kid that owned it was the hyper realistic devil that drowned hyper realistically”
I was like “Shut up and take my hyper realistic money.”
The hyper realistic salesmen was like "I’ll give it to you for hyper-realisticly free if you don’t play it"
I was like "ok dud I won’t ".
The hyper realistic seller says "ok see you Ben have a hyper realistic day.”
I ran down the hyper realistic street to my hyper realistic house because I was excited to play the hyper realistic game.
The game started bleeding hyper realistic blood. I was to busy having a hyper realistic boner from sheer hyper realistic hype to notice.
I put the hyper realistic game in my hyper realistic SNES. I started the hyper realistic game. it started with a hyper realistic blank screen and the lavender town theme was playing on a hyper realistic loop.
I was like "this doesn’t seem sketchy at all" I went to hyper realistic online mode. my first hyper realistic opponents PSN name was XxXHyperRealistic-_-666SuperkawaiiDesu~XxX i was like "FUCK what a hyper realistically badass name" I picked my favorite character Peacock, but something as different she had hyper realistic eyes which was weir because her eyes are supposed to be gouged out and replaced with portals. I was waiting for him to pick his hyper realistic character when the game crashed my hyper realistic computer.
When i turned rebooted My hyper realistic DVD player Peacock was there with hyper realistic eyes with hyper realistic text saying "I AM GOD"
I thought "HAH silly hackers almost rustled my hyper realistic jimmies" then I remember the salesmen said it was a possessed game and not to play it.
Then I remembered that hyper realistic asshole forgot my name.
I tried to turn off the game but Peacock jumped out and said with a hyper realistic voice "prepare your hyper realistic anus" I don’t want to talk about what happened after that I was teleported to a hyper realistic place were my hyper realistic head was cut off hyper realistically. And I was kicked in the hyper realistic nuts for ever, then I died for the rest of my life